Gulf Air Cargo Tracking

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Gulf Air Falcon Cargo Customer Service

Phone Number: 17338216

Email ID:

Head Office Address: Gulf Airline, P.O. Box 138, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

IATA Airline code: GF Cargo Tracking
Airline Code: 072 Cargo Tracking

About Gulf Air Falcon Cargo:

Bahrain’s leading airline, Gulf Air, has been around since 1950 and has regular trips to 61 cities in 30 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Bahrain International Airport is where most of the airline’s flights go. At the moment, it flies to all of its routes with a mix of narrow-body Airbus A320, Airbus A321, and Airbus A320neo family planes and wide-body Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners. Gulf Air sponsors both the Bahrain Grand Prix and the Bahrain International Airshow. Skytrax has given Gulf Air a 5-Star COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating. The busiest flight for the airline is Dubai–International.

They decided to buy the BOAC Associated Companies’ stake in Gulf Aviation in 1973. The governments of the Emirate (now Kingdom) of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the Sultanate of Oman all took part. By signing the Foundation Treaty on January 1, 1974, each government got a 25% stake in Gulf Aviation, which became a holding business. The running company changed its name to Gulf Air and became the four states’ main airline.

There was more air travel and progress for Gulf Air in the 1980s. Gulf Air joined IATA in 1981 and was the first foreign airline to land in Riyadh. When it first opened in 1985, Emirates was the airline of the Emirate of Dubai. However, in its first year of business, Gulf Air’s income dropped 30%, which made the airline give up on its plans to go private. Gulf Air had a loss in 1986.

The name of James Hogan’s job at Gulf Air changed in May 2002. He started a program to restructure and turn things around because profits were dropping sharply and debt was rising. Qatar said it would stop working with Gulf Air and focus on its plane, Qatar Airways. Landor Associates created a new gold and blue livery for Gulf Air that they used starting in 2003. It started Gulf Traveller as a subsidiary, which is a full-service, all-economy carrier.

Following an extraordinary general meeting on May 5, 2007, the government of Bahrain took complete control of the airline. Gulf Air said it would be laying off 25% of its employees, or about 1,500 people, as part of a two-year plan to stop losing $1 million every day.

AWB 3 Digit Code: 072